How To Store a Toilet Plunger

For many of us, the toilet plunger is one of those household items that we don’t really think about until we need it. And when we do need it, we usually just grab it from wherever it’s been stored and get to work. But there are actually a few things you should know about storing a toilet plunger, both for hygiene reasons and to ensure that it works properly when you need it. Here are some tips on how to store a toilet plunger so that it’s always ready when you need it.

What to know about storing a toilet plunger

1. The plunger should be stored in a dry place – Whether you choose to keep the plunger in your bathroom cabinet, under the sink, or out in a utility closet, it’s important that your plunger is kept in a dry place so that it doesn’t get damaged. Keeping it in an area that is damp or humid could lead to bacterial growth on the plunger, which can be messy and unsanitary. Consider using a wall mount – Many homeowners prefer to keep their toilet plunger out of sight in a dedicated storage area or cabinet. If this is the case for you, consider using a wall mount or hook instead of keeping it inside a cabinet or container.

2. The best way to store a toilet plunger is upright – By storing your plunger upright, you help ensure that it stays clean and dry, while also keeping the rubber seal at the bottom of the plunger in good condition.

3. Some people choose to store their toilet plungers with baking soda – Baking soda is a great way to help keep your toilet plunger sanitary between uses. Simply sprinkle some baking soda inside the container where your plunger is stored, and it will help absorb any odors and keep the plunger clean.

4. Keep your toilet plunger within easy reach – It’s important to remember that you may need your toilet plunger at a moment’s notice. That’s why it’s best to keep it stored in a convenient and easily accessible location so that you can easily get to it when needed.

Should you store your plunger in the bathroom or another room?

The answer really depends on your own personal preferences. But no matter where you choose to store your toilet plunger, it’s important that you keep it in a clean and dry place so that it’s always ready when you need it.​

The pros of storing a toilet plunger in the bathroom include the fact that it is often a convenient location, and that the bathroom is typically a relatively dry space. However, some people may not want to keep their toilet plunger so close to where they bathe or use the toilet, and there may also be concerns about hygiene if your bathroom tends to get damp.

On the other hand, some people may choose to store their plunger in another room, such as a utility closet or storage area. This can be a good option if you want to keep it out of sight, but it may also mean that you have to make a special trip to get your plunger whenever you need it. Additionally, keeping it in a less-than-ideal location, such as a dusty closet or damp basement, could increase the risk of damage to the plunger.

Common places to store a toilet plunger include in the bathroom, a utility closet, or under the sink. Some people also choose to keep their plunger in another room, such as a laundry room or garage.

Ultimately, the best way to store your toilet plunger is up to you and what works best for your particular situation. Just be sure to keep it clean and dry so that it is always ready to use when you need it.​

Consider getting a plunger with a holder for easier storage

If you are looking for a plunger that is easy to store, consider getting one that comes with a holder or stand. This will help keep your plunger upright and off the floor, and it may also make it easier to hang on a hook or wall mount. There are many different options available, so you should be able to find a holder that matches the style of your bathroom.

Clean your plunger after each use if possible before storing it away

While it is not always possible, it can be helpful to clean your plunger after each use. This will help dislodge any grime and gunk that could potentially build up on the rubber seal or inside the container, and it can also help to prevent odors from developing. Simply putting it in clean toilet water or rinsing it out with clean water is often enough to keep your plunger in good condition.

If you are concerned about the potential for germs or bacteria on your toilet plunger, you may also want to consider using a disinfectant after each use. This can help kill any germs that may be present and will help keep your plunger in good condition.

Overall, it is important to find a way to store the toilet plunger that works for you and your particular situation. Whether you choose to keep it in the bathroom or another room, it is key that you take steps to clean and maintain your plunger so that it is always ready when you need it.

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