Toilet Plunger Maintenance 101

Have you ever had to use a toilet plunger? If so, you know that they can be pretty dirty and gross. But did you know that there are some simple things you can do to keep your toilet plunger clean and functioning properly? In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of plunger maintenance, including how to clean your plunger and how to fix common problems.

Why is maintaining your toilet plunger important?

It’s important to maintain your toilet plunger because a clean and functioning plunger will help you avoid clogs and backups. The longevity of your plunger also depends on proper maintenance. With proper care, your plunger can last for years. This saves you money in the long run and also prevents you from having to buy a new plunger every few months.

Tips for maintaining a plunger

Here are some tips on how to keep your plunger in tip-top shape:

1. Always store your plunger in a clean, dry place. This will prevent the plunger from becoming contaminated with dirt and grime. Many toilet plungers come with a storage case or drip tray. If yours did not come with one, you can purchase one separately.

2. Inspect your plunger regularly for any signs of wear and tear. If you notice any damage, replace the plunger immediately. Signs of wear and tear include cracks in the rubber, frayed edges, and missing parts.

3. When using your plunger, make sure to use it gently. Avoid using too much force, as this can damage the plunger. Using too much force while plunging can also damage the wax seal around your toilet, which can lead to leaks.

4. After each use, consider cleaning your toilet plunger. This will remove any residue that may be clinging to the plunger. It will also ensure your bathroom stays clean.

5. Finally, always make sure to dry the plunger before storing it away. This will prevent any mold or mildew from growing on the plunger.

How to keep a toilet plunger clean

So how do you clean your toilet plunger? Before you begin, make sure to put on some rubber gloves. This will protect your hands from the grimy mess. You’ll also want to move anything that might be in the way, such as toiletry items or trash cans. Follow the steps below as they should be applicable to most plungers. This includes flange plungers, sink plungers, and accordion plungers.

Step 1: Rinse the plunger off with water

The first thing you’ll want to do is rinse your plunger with water. This does not mean using your sink or bathtub to rinse it off—just use clean water from a hose. The water pressure from a hose will be strong and do a better job of rinsing away any leftover mess.

Another way of rinsing the plunger is to simply allow the rubber end of the plunger to sit in the toilet water. When you flush the toilet, the water will rise and rinse the plunger for you. It may not get more difficult messes off, but it will at least rinse away any easy-to-clean residue. As you flush the toilet, try to move the plunger around in the water so that the entire rubber end gets rinsed.

Step 2: Use soap and water to wash the plunger

Next, you’ll want to use soap and water to wash the plunger more thoroughly. If you are using a hose, simply squirt some dish soap onto the plunger and then rinse it off with the hose. You can also fill up a sink or bucket with soapy water and submerge the entire plunger.

If you are using toilet water, you can use a toilet bowl cleaner or some other type of cleaning agent. Just add some of the toilet bowl cleaner into your toilet, and try to move the plunger around so that the entire rubber end gets cleaned. As you flush the toilet, the cleaner and the water will rinse and clean the plunger.

If you want to go the extra step, you can use a brush to scrub away any remaining dirt or debris. Something like a toilet brush would work perfectly. You would then rinse the plunger off with clean water.

Step 3: Allow the plunger to air dry before storing

After you finished washing the plunger, simply set it aside to air dry. It’s important that you allow the plunger to dry completely before storing it away. If you don’t, then mold or mildew could start to grow on the rubber end of the plunger. Once the plunger is dry, you can put it back in its rightful place—under your sink or in a closet.

One way of letting the plunger air dry is by laying the plunger flat on the toilet so that the rubber end is hanging over the toilet bowl. This is so that when you close the toilet lid on the plunger handle, the plunger will remain in place as it air dries.

Another method for air-drying your plunger is to use paper towels to dry it off. Simply take a few paper towels and pat the plunger down until it is no longer wet. You can then store the plunger away.

That’s all there is to it! Just follow these simple steps and your plunger will be clean and ready for its next use.

Common toilet plunger issues and how to fix them

Now that you know how to clean your plunger, let’s take a look at some common issues that can occur. These issues are usually caused by a dirty or old plunger.

1. The plunger isn’t working

If your plunger isn’t working as well as it used to, then it might be time for a new one. Over time, the rubber end of the plunger can become hard and brittle. When this happens, the plunger won’t be able to create a good seal and will be less effective

In some cases, the issue might not be the plunger. if a toilet clog is too tough for the plunger, then you might need to use a plumbing snake or some other type of unclogging tool to remove it. In extreme cases, you may need to call a professional plumber.

2. The plunger is leaving black marks

If you notice that the plunger is leaving black marks on your toilet, then it might be time to clean or replace the plunger. The black marks are most likely due to dirt and debris that has built up on the plunger over time. If you have cleaned the plunger and the black marks are still there, then it’s probably time to get a new one.

3. The plunger cup is cracked

If the plunger cup is cracked, then it won’t be able to create a good seal. This will make the plunger less effective and can actually cause more harm than good. If you notice that the plunger cup is cracked, then it’s time to replace the plunger.

4. The plunger cup keeps inverting

If your plunger cup keeps inverting, then you may have bought a poorly made plunger. When the plunger cup inverts, it means that the plunger won’t be able to make a good seal. Try “un-inverting” the plunger by tapping it against the rim of toilet bowl or using your hands. Be sure to not plunge with too much force as this may cause the plunger cup to invert again. If your plunger cup keeps inverting, then you should replace the plunger.

5. The plunger handle is loose

If the handle of your plunger is loose or separated completely from the rubber cup, you will need to replace the entire plunger.

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